How To Get a Loan From Opay, Borrow Money Without Shame

How To Get a Loan From Opay, Borrow Money Without Shame

This article explains how you can get a loan from Opay, and get quick cash. OPay is a tool for money transfer and payments with amazing features. Apart from making convenient payments, you can also borrow money.

Opay is considered as the number 1 cashback wallet in Nigeria and a secure app that helps Nigerians make convenient payments.

When it comes to offering a loan or borrowing money online, there will always be requiring a BVN. Why? This is to verify the personal information you submitted, known as Know Your Customer (KYC).

Sharing your sensitive details such as BVN, account number, and others to the right app, that will not steal or sell your information is exciting. That is why it’s imperative to borrow money from only secured apps like Opay.

Guess what? To get a loan from Opay is fast and easy; everybody can do it at home with a smartphone. All you need is to make sure you have the Opay App installed on your phone and follow our guide.

Requirements To Borrow, Get a Loan From Opay

  • Be at least 18 years
  • Valid phone number
  • You must be willing to submit your BVN
  • Valid phone number or email address
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How to get a loan from Opay?

Kindly follow the instructions we provided below to to get a loan from Opay and get your loan application approved.

  • Download The Opay App; You can download the app directly from your Google Play Store or this link. iPhone users should feel free to Open Apple Store and search Opay.
  • Register An Account With Opay! This is easy and doesn’t require much detail. All you have to submit is your phone number and email address.Make sure you registered with your date of birth as it appears on your BVN.
  • Apply For Opay Loan; Yeah, we have already reached there. Is it simple right? I have already said it.
  • You need to open Opay App and click on the Finance tab in this step, as shown in the screenshot below.

There are two types of Loans in Opay. I suggest EaseMoney as it offers simple and easy loans.

Click on the Ease Money

You need to click on the ease money and fill out all the details correctly as it appears on your BVN.

Input The Amount You Want To Borrow

Input the desired amount you can afford to pay, make sure you can pay the amount you borrow. Failure to do so may result in cancel your access to any Loan.

Once you are done, you need to wait for approval which will take few hours after submitting a loan application.

You can also chat with Opay support for fast approval.

Repayment of Opay loan

The monthly interest rate for Easemoni, which is known as Opay Loan, is 5% which means it will not exceed 120% yearly.

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The repayment is straightforward. All you have to do is credit your Opay wallet, then Opay Easemoni and click on Repay.

Conclusion – Get A Loan From Opay

Thanks for reading my content hope this article helps you, you can get a loan from Opay if you follow the instructions we have written above.

About admin

I'm Fatima Muhammad by name blog artist by the mind and a passionate in giving the latest tech news. This blog was created to serve as public diary where I share internet tricks and free browsing cheat.

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