Airtel Social Bundles, Get More Data At Lower Price

People who purchase 1GB for 1000 Naira will definitely love learning more about Airtel Social Bundles.

Airtel Social bundles were designed for people who love to stay connected with friends and family on social media like Twitter, Whatsapp, Facebook.

Airtel social bundles have come with a lot of benefits, enabling subscribers to get more data at a lower price.

If you were searching for the best data plan to activate in order to access social media, then you need to sit down and enjoy reading this article.

This article will give you a guide on how to activate Airtel Social Bundles and how to power it for all apps.

Yes, you heard it right. I will definitely teach how to power the Airtel Social Bundle for all apps/websites.

However, this post will only cover Airtel Bundles. If you are using Glo, you can learn more about GLO WTF Bundles.

Before I show you how to activate social bundles on Airtel, let’s look at how to check data balance and the social bundles’ benefits.

Table of Contents

Check Data Balance On Airtel

If you already know how to check data balance on Airtel, please don’t be offended, I will mention it here for the benefit of those who didn’t know.

Airtel subscribers can check data balance by calling *140# or *141*6# all the information regarding your plan such as Expiry Date, and data balance will be sent via SMS.

Why I Suggest Airtel Social Bundles

Those wondering why I advise to activate social bundle and leave standard data plan should please read my reasons for suggesting so.

ALSO READ:  How To Migrate To Glo Berekete, Migration Code, Check Airtime And Data Bonus, Call Rate

Airtel Social Bundles Gives You More Data At Lower Price

Airtel social bundles give you additional data volumes without any increase in the price of data.

If you are not yet to notice Airtel Social Bundles as the cheapest plan, you were left behind.

Many of our humble Nigerians have chosen social bundles over any data pack because it gives an additional data volume.

Airtel Social Bundles Gives An Access To All Social Media

Airtel social bundles give unrestricted access to all social media, including popular social media like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram ETC.

This could be the perfect solution for data consumption. Meaning; when you activate this plan, apps can’t use your data in the background.

Prices For Airtel Social Bundles

Below are the prices and data volume of the social Bundles on Airtel.

  1. 600MB cost N300 which will be valid for 25 days
  2. 80MB cost 100 Naira which will be valid for 5 days
  3. 40MB cost 50 Naira, which will be valid for a day.

Activate Airtel Social Bundles

All Airtel’s social bundles can be activated by calling *688#, once you dial and call this USSD you will see an option to choose your preferred social plan.

The price and the data volume is, as I stated above.

Airtel Double Data

Airtel double data is available for purchase to customers who haven’t recharge or buy any data bundle for the past 30 days.

Double data could be the best data plan on Airtel as it doubles each purchased data plan.

Meaning; if you purchase 1GB, you would be given another 1GB for free. 

However you can activate Airtel Double Data by calling *141*241#, it’s also worth knowing Airtel double data is selective.

If you are not eligible for it, calm down, and if you are ready to meet the requirements, you know the best thing to do since I already mentioned the eligibilities.

Airtel Facebook And WhatsApp Bundles

Airtel subscribers can activate Facebook And WhatsApp Bundles by calling *141*241#, note that Facebook And WhatsApp Bundles is selective and not available for every line.

ALSO READ:  How To Activate Glo WTF Social Bundles

Facebook and WhatsApp Bundles give 500MB for 100 Naira.

If you are not eligible on Facebook and WhatsApp bundle feel free to call this USSD code *688#.

Airtel Instagram Bundle

Airtel has introduced an exciting data plan, enabling their subscribers to purchase Instagram bundles.Keep in mind that Instagram Bundle is available for purchase to all Airtel subscribers.

Airtel subscribers can activate Instagram data bundle by calling *141*105#, make sure you have at least 100 Naira on your account balance. Once the purchase is successful, you would be notified via SMS stating you have successfully subscribed to Airtel Instagram Bundle.

Airtel Twitter Bundle And How To Subscribe

Airtel has also introduced a plan to their humble subscribers who likes using Twitter along. This Bundle is available for all registered Airtel users.

Those interested in activating Airtel Twitter Bundle can subscribe by calling  * 990#. Once the purchase is successful, you will receive a confirmation via SMS stating you have successfully subscribed to Airtel Twitter Bundle.

How To Power Airtel Social Bundles For All Apps And Websites

Before I move to show you how How To Power Airtel Social Bundles For All Apps And Websites, there are some things you need to take a note.

Twitter and Instagram Bundle will not work, meaning you can’t power Instagram and Twitter Bundle to work for all apps.

If you want your Airtel Social Bundles to work on all apps you need to purchase via *141*104 or *688# otherwise it will not work.

However, below are the 4 steps to power Airtel Social bundles on all apps.

1. Download EC Tunnel Pro 

We use EC Tunnel Pro to power social bundles and access all apps. Ec Tunnel Pro can be found in at Google Play Store.

If you are finding it difficult to get on Google Play Store, you can download it at this link.

2. Choose Best Performance As Your Server

There are so many servers on the Ec Tunnel Pro. I recommend Best Performance Server.

3. Choose NG Airtel Social Bundles As Your Tweak

There are up to 25 tweaks, kindly go through at those tweaks and choose Airtel Social Bundles Or Airtel 500MB As your tweak.

4. Tap On Connect

Once you set it up, then move ahead to click on connect button and wait for 14-30 seconds. Once it gets connected, minimize the EC Tunnel Pro and access your favourite websites.


This post has covered all the Airtel Social Bundles. I’m going to update this post once Airtel introduces another plan.

I recommend you bookmark this page and keep visiting it daily so you would stay up to date. 

About admin

I'm Fatima Muhammad by name blog artist by the mind and a passionate in giving the latest tech news. This blog was created to serve as public diary where I share internet tricks and free browsing cheat.

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